Renters need our services more than ever
COVID-19: survey on renters’ lockdown financial stress
Many renters in our state are hurting right now.
A new survey of the impacts of the current lockdown, involving 1122 renters who’ve previously accessed Tenants Victoria’s legal service, calculates the average financial loss per person, as of Friday 4 June, at $817. More than half of these tenants said the lockdown affected their ability to pay rent.
“‘As we all negotiate the challenges of a fourth public-health lockdown, Tenants Victoria is committed to advocate about what’s hurting renters and provide information and support when they come to us for help,” said CEO Jennifer Beveridge.
“Our focus, as always, is on renters facing hardship.”
Tenants Victoria seeks support of public: annual appeal
Ms Beveridge made her comments as Tenants Victoria launched its annual fundraising appeal.
She said: “The challenge we face is that there is already considerable unmet demand for our services. The pandemic year has stretched us. Our funding base is also constrained as we enter a new financial year – our funding has declined in real terms from last year.”
“As the peak body for renters, we remain determined to continue to work to find innovative ways to meet renters’ intense need for tenancy services – and raise the voice of tenants. The pandemic has shown how much our support service is needed in the community.”
Please consider making a tax deductible donation to our organisation if you are able to help us to help renters in tough times.
If you need support at this time yourself, check out our COVID-19 information page for links to organisations that may be able to assist.
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Please consider a tax deductible donation to Tenants Victoria. Renters need our support services more than ever.
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