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Contact us

Our dedicated lawyers and support staff are here to help. If you experience delays due to high demand, check the renting topics on this website to see if there is an answer to your question.

Tenants Victoria services

All our services are free. Some are available to all renters, while others depend on your circumstances.

To check which services you are eligible for, visit our eligibility page.

Please treat our hard-working team with the same respect and courtesy we give you. See our client service charter.

To find out how we collect and use personal information, see our privacy policy.

  • Renter Support Line

    For all Victorian renters.

  • Social Housing and Rooming House Priority Line

    For Victorian renters in public housing, community housing and rooming houses.

  • Repairs Toolkit

    For all Victorian renters.

  • Community Worker Tenancy Service

    For community workers assisting people who rent in Victoria.

  • Office administration

Support if you are deaf or find it hard to hear or speak on the phone

You can contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS).

  1. To use the service, register with the NRS.
  2. Then contact the NRS using your preferred method: NRS call numbers and links.
  3. Give the NRS officer the phone number of the service you want on this page.
  4. The NRS officer will call the number and you can communicate with the service through them.

Speak to us in your language

Call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and tell them the language you need. Then give the interpreter the phone number of the service you want on this page.

Both these services are free and confidential.

Other organisations

We have put together a list of contacts for other legal and community services that could help you.

Please call 000 for emergencies.

  • Anika Legal

    For Victorian renters who cannot afford a private lawyer.

  • Consumer Affairs Victoria

    For all Victorians.

  • Federation of Community Legal Centres

    For all Victorians.

  • Tenancy Assistance and Advocacy Program (TAAP)

    For Victorian renters in private rentals, rooming houses and caravan parks who are in financial hardship or affected by family violence.

  • Tenancy Plus

    For Victorian renters in public and community housing.

  • Victoria Legal Aid

    For all Victorians.

  • Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)

    For all Victorians.

  • Victorian Public Tenants Association

    For Victorians who live in public housing or are on the wait list.

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