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Published: February 2023

Hot topic: Rent increases

Know your rights as a renter

We know this is a particularly tough time for renters. There’s a shortage of affordable homes and the cost of living is rising, including rent prices which are skyrocketing across the city, suburbs and regions.

We’ve had many renters contact us about what to do when they are facing a rent increase.

One practical move is to check if the real estate agent or landlord has sent you the notification of the rental increase in the right form. A text message or email is not enough.

If the correct form is not used then the rent increase doesn’t meet the legal requirements.

The form they use really, really matters.

Did you know you can challenge a rent increase? It’s a free service available for all renters. We encourage you to use this service, which is provided by Consumer Affairs Victoria.

‘It’s really important that renters know their rights,’ says Tenants Victoria lawyer Georga Wootton. ‘There are rules that must be followed to enable a rent increase. All renters should be better informed about those rules, which are on our website.’

Find out more on our Rent increases page.

Watch our Facebook Q&A video on rent increases

Note: This information is a guide and should not be used as a substitute for professional legal advice.

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