Critical services tackle homelessness

There is more than one form of homelessness
During Homelessness Week, August in 2024, it’s important to remember that there is more than one definition of homelessness.
The living situations for people classed as homeless range from those without any roof over their head – that is, living in tents and sleeping outdoors – to those living in supported accommodation for the homeless, in other temporary accommodation, or in boarding houses.
People forced to stay temporarily with other households, including ‘couch surfing’, are also defined as homeless.
Rooming house outreach
At Tenants Victoria, we are committed to advocating for the rights of renters and providing the support needed to find safe, secure housing.
Our long-running Rooming House Outreach Program, led by our dedicated worker Catherine Dyer, liaises with rooming house residents and provides tenancy advice and vital pathways to long-term secure housing options.
Meet Sally (not her real name), whose life took a challenging turn when she was living in a very run-down rooming house in Melbourne’s western suburbs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sally, dealing with serious physical health issues, was highly distressed when she connected with Catherine.
Sally’s journey to secure housing involved multiple moves. She shifted from the run-down rooming house, which is now set to be demolished, to interim housing at Ozanam House, and then to McAuley House , a community rooming house for women. During her stay at McAulay House, Sally underwent a hip replacement, significantly improving her mobility.
Recently, with Catherine’s support, Sally received an offer for a community housing property just 10 minutes from her sister and 15 minutes from her local church. Initially, she was knocked back for this property, but after several follow-up conversations initiated by Catherine, she was offered the home. Sally now lives in a spacious, and warm home with a view of the city from her living room. She regularly attends hydrotherapy and receives NDIS support for her health and daily living.
Such happy endings highlight the critical role that frontline tenancy services play in preventing homelessness.
Overall, 30,660 people were estimated to be homeless in Victoria on census night in 2021. Such stark numbers reinforce how essential it is to recognise and adequately fund vital frontline services to address homelessness.