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Different tenancies

We have lots of information for renters in different tenancies - public housing residents, students, international students, people in share houses and residents in rooming houses and caravan parks.

Image of couple moving couch into new house

Public housing

Find out about public housing in Victoria for people on low incomes. 

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Fitzroy public housing towers against a clear blue sky


Information for student renters. 

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two students working quietly on assignments

International students

International students often don’t know their rights as renters or what support is there for help with food, health and other matters. Find out more on this page. 

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five multicultural international students studying on a lawn in front of a university building

Share houses

Not all share house arrangements are the same. Find out what your legal rights are when you share a house or flat with other people or ‘housemates’.

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Rooming houses

Find out your legal rights are when you share a rented home with other people. 

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melancholic older male renter looking out window

Caravan parks

Residents in caravan parks have legal rights. Find out about them, and tips on how to make sure the caravan park owner respects these rights. 

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Decorated caravan nearby potted plants and foliage

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