Our people
Find out more about the members of our senior leadership team and our board, who are committed to making a real difference in the lives of renters.
Our Senior Leadership Team
Jennifer Beveridge, CEO
Jennifer has been CEO of Tenants Victoria since June 2019. A collaborative not-for-profit leader, her experience spanning management and service delivery roles in housing, health, youth and community development over 25 years has been centred on the needs and aspirations of people in the community receiving those services.
Driven by social justice values, Jennifer’s operational skills are complemented by a grasp of public policy detail and what’s required for stakeholder engagement and successful advocacy. Many of her most satisfying work outcomes, Jennifer says, have been achieved at times when public policy and funding constraints required bold decision-making
Before she joined Tenants Victoria, Jennifer was CEO for seven years at Eating Disorders Victoria. She has also worked at Jesuit Social Services and Merri Health and lectured at La Trobe University. Jennifer’s initial training was as a clinical speech pathologist.
She also has two Master’s degrees – a Master of Strategic Foresight and an MBA, both from Swinburne University, and an Executive Certificate in Public Policy from Harvard University. In 2016, Jennifer was awarded a Churchill Fellowship and undertook a study program on how innovation and collaboration can improve service outcomes.
Cameron Bloye, Director of Client Services / Deputy CEO
Cameron is an experienced community-sector leader driven by a strong commitment to social justice and to creating systemic change to address structural barriers for people experiencing disadvantage and marginalisation.
Before joining Tenants Victoria, Cameron was the General Manager Family & Community Services at commUnity+, a community organisation that provides services across Melbourne’s west and north for people experiencing disadvantage. Cameron started his career as a community lawyer and has previously worked and volunteered at a number of Victorian community legal centres.
Cameron has a Bachelor of Arts, a Juris Doctor (post-graduate law degree), and is part-way through a Master of Public Policy and Management.
Kylie Betts, Director of People and Corporate Services
A human resources leader who has worked in Australia and overseas, Kylie’s professional experience spans the corporate, disability and broader not-for-profit sectors.
She has worked in human resources for the Energy Savings Trust in the UK, and in Melbourne for Kraft and the welfare agency Good Shepherd.
Kylie places a high priority on a partnership approach within Tenants Victoria to develop staff and internal culture and shape organisational capability.
Carman Parsons, Director of Impact and Innovation
Carman Parsons is an experienced manager and leader who has worked in the Victorian legal-assistance sector for over 10 years on reforms to intake and referral, improving client experience, disaster legal services, online legal information and advice programs and diversity and inclusion action plans.
Carman takes a curious and creative approach to finding innovative solutions, changing organisational mindsets and supporting her colleagues in complex and high-demand environments.
Carman has qualifications in law, social policy and humanities and before joining the legal sector worked in sexual assault education and support, disability policy and diversity programs.
Damien Patterson, Director of Policy, Advocacy and Engagement
Damien is a policy advocate who is passionate about housing justice, and putting lived experience at the centre of policy.
Before joining Tenants Victoria, he was Manager – Policy and Advocacy at the Council to Homeless Persons, the peak body for homelessness in Victoria. He has previously worked on successful campaigns for rental reform, increased social housing, and Housing First programs – an approach that says people have a right to a home.
At Tenants Victoria, Damien is focused on bringing together data, systems thinking, and the voice of renters to achieve a housing system that’s safe, secure and affordable.
Our Board
Judith Dickson, Chair
Appointed: 23 January 2017
Judith practised as a litigation lawyer in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States before moving into legal education as a clinical academic at La Trobe Law School and then as Director of Practical Training at Leo Cussen Centre for Law. She now consults in legal education and training.
Judith began her involvement with community legal centres as a law student volunteer and continued as a volunteer lawyer and as a member of management committees and boards.
She was an early member of the Legal Aid Committee (Victoria) and a member of the board of PILCH (Victoria) (now Justice Connect), chairing its staffing sub-committee. She was on the international steering committee of GAJE (Global Alliance for Justice Education), chairing its first nominations committee and later its conference scholarship committee. She has also been a member of the executive committee of APLEC (Australasian Professional Legal Education Council).
Judith’s professional life is guided by the principle that the law should support, not obstruct, practical social justice. She sees Tenants Victoria’s work as also driven by that principle and is a determined supporter through her role as Chairperson of the board.
Judith has a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws, Master of Laws and Master of Adult Education (Global).
Special responsibilities: Chairperson, from 24 September 2018
Jolene George
Appointed: 1 December 2023
Jolene George is a public policy analyst and strategist with extensive experience leading campaigns for policy and legislative change.
She is a campaign manager at the Australian Conservation Foundation where she leads the organisations’ engagement with ASX 200 companies (the 200 largest companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange) on their climate and nature strategies.
Over her career Jolene has worked across a number of issue areas, including environment and climate change, refugee rights, homelessness, and criminal justice, and draws from this diverse experience to inform her decision making.
She is passionate about organisational culture, and believes that healthy workplace culture is fundamental to the success and effectiveness of any organisation.
Jolene holds a Bachelor of Sociology and a Master of Public Policy and Governance from the University of Melbourne.
Special responsibilities: Member of the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee
Jiayue Li
Appointed: 19 August 2019
Jiayue is a senior legal executive with extensive experience as a trusted advisor to senior stakeholders and company boards across a range of sectors, including financial services, commercial property and healthcare.
Throughout her career, Jiayue has taken an interest in pro bono work with a focus on making legal services accessible to those who only infrequently interact with the legal and justice system.
Special responsibilities: Chair of the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee
Clinton Licht
Appointed: 1 December 2021
Clinton is a digital transformation executive who has led large organisational changes across the globe. He first understands a business’s aims then leads the strategy and plan to achieve future goals for operational growth and consolidation.
Clinton has significant experience in the understanding of financial management, audit practices, corporate governance skills and the willingness and ability to think and act strategically. He is focused on transforming the experience that an organisation delivers to their customers through investment in technology and digitisation of their business.
Having been born in South Africa, and having travelled and lived extensively in different locations, Clinton brings diversity, experience and a perspective crossing different backgrounds and cultures to a broad range of challenges. He is passionate about giving back to the community.
Clinton is a full member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has undergraduate and master’s degrees in finance and technology.
Special responsibilities: Member of the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee
Andrew Ogbourne
Appointed: 5 March 2018
Andrew is a respected information technology management consultant with extensive experience leading ICT and digital renewal initiatives across Australia and a passion for helping people and organisations to recognise and respond to the complex challenges and opportunities that contemporary technologies present.
Andrew’s expertise in IT strategy, governance, program delivery and operational management of IT functions in public, private and non-profit organisations, combined with his experience in risk management and organisational change, allow him to provide a unique and valuable perspective to Tenants Victoria’s strategic direction, governance and organisational performance.
Andrew founded Pentridge Community Garden as a hub for urban residents in Melbourne’s north.
Andrew has a Bachelor of Science (Physics and Statistics). He is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Special responsibilities: Chair of the Governance Committee
Eila Pourasgheri
Appointed: 1 December 2023
Eila Pourasgheri is director of Victoria Legal Aid’s Families team and before that worked at Women’s Legal Service Victoria, where she led Victoria’s first tailored family violence training program for lawyers.
Her earlier career journey took her from commercial litigation to government roles and social justice work in Vanuatu and Cambodia, before completing a master’s degree in human rights. She also has a Diploma of Governance from the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Eila has long championed social justice and the work of lawyers in Victoria’s efforts to improve responses to family violence. Her advocacy to the state government, industry taskforce Family Safety Victoria and the Centre for Workforce Excellence has led to programs to support lawyers providing best practice, trauma-informed legal assistance to people affected by family violence.
She was awarded a Law Institute of Victoria distinguished service award in 2021.
Special responsibilities: Member of the Governance Committee
Serge Sardo
Appointed: 10 December 2024
Serge Sardo, with over 18 years’ experience as a CEO and non-executive director for not-for-profit and government organisations, brings to Tenants Victoria a record built on values-driven inclusive leadership and strategic planning.
Serge is the CEO of Better Place Australia, a for-purpose organisation providing family support services to disadvantaged communities across Victoria. In his previous role as CEO of the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, Serge was instrumental in establishing the Foundation as a world leader in the delivery of problem-gambling counselling and support programs to over 100 different locations and advocating to the Victorian Government for safer policy settings.
Serge is a non-Executive Director of the Alcohol and Drug Foundation and was previously a member of the Board for the Family and Relationships Services Association. In November 2024 he completed an 8-year term as a non-Executive Director of Scope Disability Services.
Serge is a registered psychologist and has an MBA qualification complemented with strong commercial experience. With expertise in preventative programs, social policy and advocacy, he has delivered and managed a wide variety of community-based support programs.
As an Italian immigrant growing up in Melbourne, Serge experienced firsthand the importance of having a place to call home in a supportive community. These early experiences have guided his career choices, underpinned by a passion for transforming the lives of vulnerable Victorians.
Shane (Harry) Smith
Appointed: 1 December 2023
Harry Smith has been a senior leader in health and human services organisations for more than 25 years, developing and implementing programs to support vulnerable people.
He is Head of Strategic Initiatives at Haven Home Safe, developing programs and initiates to tackle homelessness and increase the supply of social and affordable housing.
Harry has specific expertise in the programs relating to homelessness, affordable housing, disability support, family and domestic violence, children, youth and family, and LGBTQI+ people. He has worked in government and the not-for-profit sector to bring about meaningful and sustainable change in a sensitive, caring and client-focused manner.
Harry is also a lecturer at Kaplan Business School, delivering specialised health leadership programs for their flagship Master of Business Administration program, as well as economics and business management in the Master of Economics program.
His key qualifications are: Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD), Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of Business (Economics).
Special responsibilities: Member of the Governance Committee
Our Patron
Kevin Bell
Professor the Honourable Kevin Bell AO KC is the inaugural Patron of Tenants Victoria.
Professor Bell, a distinguished jurist and human rights advocate, has a longstanding connection with Tenants Victoria. He was the first paid lawyer at the organisation, then called the Tenants Union of Victoria, from 1979 to 1981.
Professor Bell is a former senior jurist and advocate with extensive experience in the law, including commercial law, criminal law, common law, public law and human rights, including Indigenous rights.
He was appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2017 for his ‘significant service to the law and to the judiciary, to native title and human rights, and the community’. In 2024 he was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for ‘distinguished service to the judiciary, to the law, and to human rights through education and reform’.
He is a former Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, President of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Commissioner of the Yoorrook Justice Commission and Co-Chair of the Steering Committee to develop the National Mental Health Commission Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy.
He was a professor in the area of international human rights law in the Faculty of Law at Monash University and Director of the faculty’s Castan Centre for Human Rights Law. He is now an Adjunct Professor in the faculty.
Professor Bell is also a Victorian Patron for the national Justice Reform Initiative, which aims to break the cycle of prison incarceration.